sqsl Lottery
Sequential weighted probability matrix sequencer
Designed for iPad (works also on Mac computers with Apple silicon / Ventura minimum).
Available on App Store.
Here you will find description of the interface and functionality. See bottom half of this page for better understanding of how the sequencing in sqsl Lottery works.
A different type of sequencer
Classic sequencers progress as shown below, advancing through steps one by one. We could say that each step has an index (its address) and destination. In the case below destination for all steps is index + 1.
We could set destination for some steps to be different that index + 1, as shown below, now the sequence advance in different order - step 5 has destination 11, step 11 has 12, step 12 has 6, etc… till step 10 has destination 1 so it goes back to start.
In order to be able to assign destination for each step, we can have a set of button representing possible destinations for each step (12 steps = 12 destinations/buttons). As show below.
Now we can comfortably assign destination - animation below shows assignment for our first sequence - advancing through step one by one.
Here it is shown with playhead for clarity.
Below is a new sequence with different order - for example step 3 is sending playhead to step 9 (as button 9 is activated in column 3) etc…
We can now activate more than one destination for a single step, below is shown a sequence where step 7 has 9 and 10 as destinations. When the playhead reaches step 7 it can decide to advance from there to step 9 but also to step 10.
What will happen if playhead reaches a step without any destinations activated? It will advance to OFF column (here it is on the right but in Lottery app it is always on the left of the matrix - it is sort of a start point).
In the sequence below, step 7 has destinations 9 and 10. Step 10 has destination 1 so sequence goes to step 1, from there to 7… But step 9 has no destination so playhead is sent to OFF column. OFF column has destination 7 - sequence then advances to step 7, etc…
If OFF column would have no destinations, playhead would stay in OFF column.
In sqsl Lottery, this sequencing logic is applied to 5 parameters based on which MIDI note is calculated: key, octave, velocity, duration and MIDI channel. Sequence with multiple destinations per step has no fixed (looping) path so there are 5 available voices that can work with same parameter values but will give different results per voice.